• Shipping Time

    Shipped within 1 working day after placing the order. The carrier usually picks up the package within 2 working days.

  • Delivery Time

    Counting from the carrier's acceptance of the package, it takes approximately 3-5 working days for delivery.

  • Tracking and Delivery

    From the time you place your order to receiving the goods, it typically takes 5-7 working days. You can track your delivery, and we'll send you the tracking number via email.


When will I receive my order?

Your order will be delivered within 5-7 working days after placing it.

Do I need an account to place an order?

No, you can make a purchase without registering. However, we recommend creating an account for various benefits.

Do you ship to Northern Ireland and Jersey?

Yes, we ship to all regions across the UK.

I received different products in my package than what I ordered.

While it's rare, warehouse errors can occur, especially with larger orders. In such cases, please contact us at support@hello5ive.com.

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